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sources of evidence

Do you need an evidence-based intervention? We’ve put together a listing of organizations that synthesize research findings and translate them into guidelines and intervention summaries.
North Carolina

The UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention offers Tools for Researchers and Practitioners, a list of some of the most popular tools and interventions developed by HPDP researchers including enrollment information, toolkits, and intervention materials.

Transforming Research into Community and Clinical Practice

The AHRQ Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Evidence Reports are created by the AHRQ-funded Evidence-based Practice Centers, which review all relevant scientific literature on clinical topics.

The The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) Program Registry is a searchable database of programs that can be utilized by professionals that serve children and families involved with the child welfare system. The programs are arranged by topic area. Each program included in the registry has a CEBC Scientific Rating; citations and summaries of relevant peer-reviewed, published research studies; a brief description of the program; program training information; and relevant contact information.

The Guide to Community Preventive Services is a resource to help you choose programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in your community. It consists of systematic reviews covering a range of topics.

The Health Systems Evidence is a continuously updated repository of syntheses of research evidence about governance, financial and delivery arrangements within health systems, and about implementation strategies.

SAMHSA’s Evidence-Based Practice Resource Center contains a collection of scientifically-based resources for a broad range of audiences, including Treatment Improvement Protocols, toolkits, resource guides, and clinical practice guidelines.

The Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs (EBCCP, formerly RTIPs) website is supported by the National Cancer Institute. It is a searchable database of evidence-based cancer control programs and is designed to provide program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to program materials.

The US Preventive Services Task Force conducts scientific evidence reviews of a broad range of clinical preventive health care services (such as screening, counseling, and preventive medications) and develops recommendations for primary care clinicians and health systems. The UPSTF is composed of primary care providers, including: internists, pediatricians, family physicians, gynecologists/obstetricians, nurses, and health behavior specialists.

What Works for Health tool is an online database of policies and programs targeting factors affecting community health.


3IE (International Initiative for Impact Evaluation) funds impact evaluations and systematic reviews that generate evidence on what works in community development interventions.

The Campbell Collaboration is an international social science research network that produces high quality, open and policy-relevant evidence syntheses, plain language summaries, and policy briefs. It is a sibling organization of the Cochrane Collaboration.

Canadian Best Practices Portal for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention provides resources and solutions to plan programs for promoting health and preventing diseases in communities. The site consolidates best practices for chronic disease prevention and control.

Choosing Wisely Canada is a campaign to help physicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments, and procedures.

The Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group (EPOC) is a Review Group of The Cochrane Collaboration–an international network of people helping healthcare providers, policy makers, patients, their advocates and carers, make well-informed decisions about human health care by preparing and publishing systematic reviews.

The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination out of the University of York in the UK, provides research-based information about the effects of health and social care interventions and undertakes systematic reviews.

The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) reviews evidence-based practices related to social interventions, including health promotion. The site also provides support for conducting systematic reviews.

The website facilitates the adoption and implementation of effective policies/programs/interventions across Canada. Staff regularly search for, screen, and independently rate systematic reviews from a variety of electronic and print sources. Registration is required.

The International Guideline Library contains more than 6,400 guidelines, evidence reports and related documents developed or endorsed by Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) member organizations.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Evidence (NICE) Guidelines provide evidence-based guidance and other products help resolve uncertainty about which medicines, treatments, procedures and devices represent the best quality care and value for the National Health Service in the U.K.


Guided by the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States, CDC and its partners are pursuing a high-impact prevention approach to reducing new HIV infections by using combinations of scientifically proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions directed to the most vulnerable populations in the geographic areas where HIV prevalence is highest. The Effective Behavioral Interventions website describes CDC’s efforts to support high-impact prevention.

The Replicating Effective Programs Plus (REP+) is a compilation of several HIV prevention interventions that have been “packaged” by REP+.


The Drug Effectiveness Review Program (DERP) is a collaboration between the Center for Evidence-based Policy and the Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center, who have joined together to produce systematic, evidence-based reviews of the comparative effectiveness and safety of drugs in many widely used drug classes.